SMIC Academy SMIC Academy SMIC Academy SMIC Academy SMIC Academy SMIC Academy

Pastor's Questionnaire

indicates a required answer


This page is for only pastors, elders, or their staff.  You must have a valid security code.  An evaluation submitted with an invalid security code will be not be accepted.

You have received a request from our leadership to answer questions about a prospective family.  The family has applied for entrance into our school. It is our desire to work with you in a total evaluation of them prior to acceptance. Would you, therefore, aid us by answering the brief questionnaire below? In this way we will gain more insight into the family in question.

If you or another pastor/elder cannot answer the questions below, please contact us immediately at [email protected].

Thank you for your time! 



1. *

Please enter the security code you were provided for this family.  A human will read this box, so capitalization and spacing do not matter.  This code serves as your signature.

2. *

1.  Do you personally know the family?

3. *

2.  Approximately how long has the family been in attendance?

4. *

3.  Please select the approximate number of services attended per month:

1 2
3 4
5-10 11-16
5. *

4.  Which family members are Christians?

6. *

5.  Are members of the family active in the work of the church?  If yes, please elaborate.

7. *

6.  Are you aware of any religious convictions or practices that this family has that would conflict with Scripture?

8. *

7.  Based on your personal knowlege of the family in question, would you recommend them to us?  Why or why not?

9. *

Please provide your name. 

10. *

Please provide the name of your church.

11. *

What is your title or role at this church?

12. *

Please provide a phone number where we can reach you.