Online Schooling Options
Distance Education/Online schooling: Elementary-12
Full Service Online Schools. Some have single course offerings as well. All programs listed in this section have a Christian worldview. K-12 learning with Pensacola Christian College staff and materials (SACS/Advance Ed accredited) Alpha Omega’s online program Grades 3-12 (NCA/AdvanceEd accredited) Star Academics (traditional 6th-12th) and Torrey Academy (Classical-Great Books 9th-12th)) online courses. Both sponsored by Biola University and the Torrey Institute (named after R.A. Torrey)
Curriculum and teachers from Bob Jones University K4-12. Rigorous courses with video lessons. Bridgeway Academy – individualized learning plan preK- 12 (SACS/AdvanceEd accredited) home page for Christian Liberty Academy. National Association of Private School Accreditation Liberty University, SACS/AdvanceEd accredited online homeschooling grades 3-12 5th-12th grade Christian schooling (SACS/Advance Ed accredited) and homeschool, independent study support programs Home education values, 2200 students worldwide, high academic standards NCA/AdvanceEd accredited online program for homeschooled students or credit recovery, credit supplementation for Christian School Students. Full curriculum or individual courses available. For a review of other Christian online providers please go to the top navigation bar of this site and click on “online academies” to view four other online homeschool academies.
Distance Education online –individual classes only, some may have a certificate of completion, grades or other evaluation issued at the end of the course. The following do not have the option of a full-service online school including transcription service. Apologia science curriculum and live on-line science, Bible and Worldview classes for 7th grade and up Curriculum and Classes in a Click; a site with multiple uses, but for online classes and clubs for all ages go to the left navigation bar and click on “Live Classes.” PreK-12 very reasonable pricing, works with the parent and either local administrative cover school or school board depending on the homeschool laws of the state. Does not issue transcripts or diplomas. Accredited by the National Private Schools Accreditation Alliance. Greg Landry’s online science courses, including lab intensives done in local settings. (mostly in the Southeast) Started by a former anatomy and physiology, professor who was also a homeschool dad.
Veritas Press Online Scholars Academy for use specifically with Veritas Press materials. Classes begin in mid-September
Online Dual Enrollment for College and High School
There are more online College Dual Enrollment opportunities for high school students than what this handout can review. Please check with the college of your choice. Many Christian Colleges have online dual enrollment options for their freshman level courses. (formerly College Plus) Allows a student to earn an accredited college degree using credit by examination, self-study, online courses and an educational coach to assist the student and parent in the process. Some majors require on-campus coursework. These courses may be started in high school. University of Alabama dual enrollment program for all general education courses. Credits are transferable to any public college or university in the state. Troy University online dual enrollment for freshman and general education courses. Credits are transferable to other Alabama colleges and universities.
Jeff State Community College has a dual enrollment program. A few of their courses are offered online.